Creative Idea For Prayer…

I’ve recently heard of an incredible idea concerning prayer that I really want to share with you, and encourage you to begin.  Dean Cirelli, one of my closest friends and strong supporters of our collegiate ministry, has given his life to loving, mentoring, and caring for students.  He shares his wisdom about this great prayer idea.

With the largest majority of us on Facebook, each of us has an abundance of friends on Facebook.  Some, more than others.  The catch is not how many friends we have, but that we pray for the ones we do have.  For example, if we take our Facebook Friends List and breaks it down by the alphabet, we could prayer through our friend list once each month!  If we pray for all of our friends listed under ‘A’, on the 1st day of the month, and our friends listed under ‘B’ on the 2nd day of the month…you get the picture!  So simple!

What kind of impact could we have if we really got serious and committed to pray for our friends on a daily basis?  I can imagine going through my Facebook Friend List, looking at my friends profile pics and praying for them on a more personal level.  I mean, we call them our friends, right?  Then let’s pray for them!

I’m going to commit to doing this each month.  Please join me!  Let’s get serious about impacting our campus for Christ!