Midterm Madness…

Can you believe it?  Mid Terms are here and so is the madness!  I just want to encourage you to hang on, stay focused and believe in yourself!  You CAN do this!  Just remember, on the other side of Mid Terms is SPRING BREAK!!!!  10 days off from classes, dorm life and cafeteria food!  It’s almost here, you can do it!  I believe in you and I’m praying for you!


Valentine’s Dance 2010

Valentine’s Dance

Friday, February 12th

8PM till Midnight


10 Riverside Drive ~ SCCA Building

Tired of having to be in a ‘not-so-pleasant-place’ just to enjoy an evening of dancing?  We thought so too!  That’s why this year, H2O is sponsoring a Valentine’s Dance in a Safe, Non-Threatening, NON-ALCOHOLIC Environment!  This is a Semi-Formal event, so get dressed up…if you want to!  Tell your friends…bring a date…or not, and come have a GREAT TIME!

CLICK HERE for a map!  The SCCA Building is located at the corner of Riverside Drive and Wahsington Avenue…right by the bridge.  It’s just a couple of doors down from The Ritz Theatre.  Easy walking distance from TU. 

DJ ~ Nick Downing